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  • The "Magic" of Archaeology

The "Magic" of Archaeology

  • 16 May 2025
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Deschutes Public Library, 601 NW Wall St, Bend, OR 97703

Today’s archaeologists can see underground without digging, map objects that are hidden beneath vegetation, and tell what animal was wounded by a spear point! Is this magic or the science of archaeology?

The Archaeological Society of Central Oregon invites you to explore the topic of archaeology -- the study of people from the past. Archaeologists learn about past cultures by studying the artifacts left behind; a sherd of broken pottery, a stone tool, a broken wagon wheel. By uncovering and studying the evidence of past lives, archaeologists discover many things about their culture -- from what they ate and how they lived, to the environment in which they made their homes. Join us as we:

Examine and analyze artifacts.

  • Understand these fragile cultural resources need to be protected.
  • Learn how archaeologists piece together the puzzles from the past.
  • Hear about technology that seems almost magical!

“I’m an archaeologist, not a magician, but I can see why you might be confused.”

Eileen Gose, Outreach Coordinator and Presenter

More information here

Mailing address: PO Box 8146 Bend, Oregon 97708-8146

Email: ascoinfomail@gmail.com

"Archaeological Society of Central Oregon" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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